Thrifty Chic

Learn how to reuse, recycle, restyle, restore, and revamp your old furnishings to create a stylish and unique home, without spending a fortune! Whether you are on a tight budget, or simply want to give your existing home a new look, Thrifty Chic provides a treasure trove of ideas at your fingertips. Learn how to reuse, recycle, restyle, restore, and revamp your old furnishings to create a stylish and unique home, without spending a fortune! Whether you are on a tight budget, or simply want to give your existing home a new look, Thrifty Chic provides a treasure trove of ideas at your fingertips. Divided into 7 chapters, Thrifty Chic will take you through everything you need to know to jazz-up your home. Starting with “Elements of Design”, you will learn how to utilize fabric, paint, windows, frames, lighting, and more, to make the most of your environment.
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